Friday, May 28, 2010


Yeah so what who cares as Joy Behr of the view says about calories! Drinking this was like indulging in the sweetness of life. I make my own latte's and they are divine! I take the left over coffee put it in a pitcher in the fridge to chill. Get a large water glass and fill it halfway put like 4 equals and some vanilla creamer and milk and chocolate shavings and add whip cream and a dash of brown raw sugar on top. So simple and good for a pick me up.
I also make another simple and delicious summer drink. I brew a large kettle full of my favorite tea which is Earl Grey and let it add my sugar and let it settle until cool and then chill. I am now trying new teas to brew like Pomegranate which is ever popular but so expensive at stores so I am making my own. Mint, Chamomile,Green,White,Black teas can all be made into a cool delicious drink and be good for you because they have those antioxidants which in a nutshell, help to heal the body. So try new combos............... I will! Yummy and saves a buck!

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