Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Baby Kitty

I have a new kitty for 2weeks now, I swear I don't have kids but I imagine this is a little taste of what it may be like LOL My "Magic" is about 3 months old and is very playful, and I think is acclimating to life with a doggie and the big mamma my older kitty. Magic just needs to learn not to bite, because he does that, even to my little doggie and respect the other animals boundaries LOL At times he sleeps with my doggie Lucky and just relaxes with the whole family. I have to leave him in the bathroom, at night because I don't want him to get hurt or hurt himself or the other animals because this 3pd kitty actually chases Big mamma who is like 13 Pd's around the house! It was sort of an accident how Magic came to be with us, it was supposed to be my cousins but he was severely allergic, so I stepped in :) I have the room and I couldn't bare not knowing where Magic would end up so here with us I know he will be happy and loved. Art has been on the back burner and today i will have to seclude myself a bit and do some work :)

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